Advanced Technology located at Woodcreek Dental

Advanced Dental Technology

We Believe in Better

We believe doing the right thing for you means constantly learning, asking questions, and seeking new and better technology. Better technology means better diagnoses, better treatments, better preventative care, and more efficient dental visits.

Periodontal Dentistry
A picture of a leaf serving as a subtle background.
Advanced Technology located at Woodcreek Dental


See what we see with clear, high-definition imaging. Intraoral digital images also provide our team with early detection and diagnosis for creeping issues.

Advanced Technology located at Woodcreek Dental

Digital Radiography

Digital radiography creates safer X-ray results instantly so we can identify and show you results on our flat screen monitors right away.

Hygienist in one of Woodcreek Dental's operatory

Cone Beam Scanner

CT scans have revolutionized implant dentistry and allow for more precise and accurate planning and provision of dental implants.

Advanced Technology located at Woodcreek Dental


Precision imaging without painful bitewings. Advanced CBCT technology provides a high-definition digital scan with 3D images from your bones to your sinuses.

Advanced Technology located at Woodcreek Dental

3D Printer

Our onsite 3D printer helps us create clear aligners, dental implant surgical guides, and “try-in” dentures quickly and efficiently.

Advanced Technology located at Woodcreek Dental

Picasso® Laser

A non-invasive, precise method with little discomfort for periodontal care including “gum lifts” to reduce the appearance of a gummy smile, remove infected tissue, and eliminate bacteria.

Exterior of Woodcreek Dental

We Can’t Wait to Meet You

Have a question? Give us a call (805) 482-6389.

Ready to schedule an appointment online? We’re ready to see you!